Introduction to R - session 1

9K views Nov 9, 2023

Session info R is a great tool for wrangling data, work with data as data frames and do all kind of statistics as well as more advanced machine learning. The introduction to R is divided into two sessions. After "Introduction to R - session 1" you will be able to run R, open files and do some simple data -wrangling. After "Introduction to R - session 2" you will be able to wrange even more data and have the basics for you to go on with more sophisticated R-work. Contents, Introduction to R session 1 In the session we will go through - Input file formats - Calculate stuff in R - Data Frames About the speaker Sine Zambach has a MSc in Bioinformatics and a Ph.D in computer science. She is the Tech Advocate of the year 2020 and postdoc at the Department of Digitalization on CBS.

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