Let's Chat-Bots using Azure AI || Women Data Summit 2021

7K views Nov 9, 2023

The advancement in Conversational AI has revolutionized human interactions, with massive implications across industries. Join Liji as she shares her experiences from building real-world conversational experiences using Azure AI tools. The session will help you understand the capabilities of Microsoft Bot Framework and how an interactive bot is structured. Learn how to create a Virtual Assistant using Azure Bot Service from scratch and within minutes! Give a human side to your bot using Azure Cognitive Services. Add AI capabilities for Natural Language Understanding (NLU) and answering user queries. Finally. connect your virtual assistant to multiple platforms including Amazon Alexa. Conference Website: https://globaltechconferences.com/event/women-data-summit-2021/ C# Corner - Community of Software and Data Developers: https://www.c-sharpcorner.com C# Live - Dev Streaming Destination: https://csharp.live #Azure #Data #WomenDataSummit #AzureAI #Chatbot

#Intelligent Personal Assistants
  # Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence