Niche Website Case Study Income Report for Blogging - Month 5 with 35,000 pageviews and $700
Download the template by subscribing to my email list here: Blogging is hard and requires consistency and dedication. Coming into Month 5, my site has been treating me very well and I’m seeing a lot of growth. Google is finally starting to like and rank my content, and the payouts have been worth it. This article goes through the major milestones, content added, income, expenses, goals, pageviews, users, etc throughout the month of May 2022. I am no expert, but starting an online blogging business is a lot of work. I’m documenting everything I do and everything I learn to help you get your online blogging business started quicker. Hopefully the little success I will see in my blog will inspire you to start your own blog! It is hard work, but it’s rewarding to watch a site grow from the ground up! I haven’t been in the blogging industry for years, I am just like you! I am completely self-taught through trial and error and lots of Youtube videos! Beginning in 2022, this blog income report will have monthly updates so you can see real-time and realistic results for your blog. No gimmicks, no promises, just pure experience. View all Income Reports: