Changing Wordpress theme: Things to watch out for and what I learned
I changed my wordpress theme last month in July 2022. I moved from Rehub to GeneratePress. I changed themes primarily so that I could improve my page speed, but there are other reasons that you might choose to switch a theme. Choosing the best theme at the beginning will help you in the long run because there are a lot of ways in which things could go wrong. It is ultimately a risk to change a theme. Site structure, indexability, and ranking can all be affected by a theme change. So if you do decide to change your theme, keep in mind these things so that you reduce the risk of major impacts for your site on monetization, ranking, and traffic. The new theme chosen was GeneratePress: And I have no complaints in moving over. They have a free trial, so it is worth a try. If you want to hear about my robots.txt issue I ran into when I switched themes which caused me to lose 50% of my traffic in a day, check out the video here: You can also join the email list which will be the first to know about my public case study. —----------------Affiliate Links—-------------------